Community Based Education is Changing the World

I write today, to share my observations of how the face of conventional education has changed over the last decade.
In pastoral times (pre-industry), education happened as one generation of people (within a community), invested into the next generation to ensure the longevity and sustainability of the community. The purpose of education in those days was thriving community.
I live in Dunfermline, Scotland, the birthplace of Andrew Carnegie - who has been referred to as one of the worlds most respected industrialists. Andrew Carnegie’s passion was to get learning materials (books) into the hands of every child throughout the UK, and this is where the public library came from.
The dawn of industry saw education become an institutionalised and standardised entity, with much emphasis being placed on national economic advancement, academia, certification and in recent years, accreditation.
Interestingly, it’s not academia, certification or accreditation that is securing people in employment (or in freelance gig-work) today, it is self-directed learning, skill and competency.
A few years ago, I had an idea. Many called me crazy. I proposed that it was time for education to be taken out of the conventional institution, and placed back into community, using a splice of technology and community infrastructure to enable affordable education (and especially skill development) to happen in an informal and relationship based setting.
What i pioneered was an online international army of skilled coaches, trainers and mentors, that knew no cultural boundaries, and that have learned to understand and collaborate with people from all around the world who share their passions, interests and values. It’s a beautiful thing.
I don’t say these things to impress anyone, but instead, to urge those of you in this community who teach from a place of integrity, to consider ways that you may be able to build a vibrant community around your lifetime of experience and understanding.
Who knows, you might even change the world through the process.
Hi @Kain_Ramsay
, thank you for sharing your experience, I'm sure this will inspire others and help them grow!0