How to break up a current 117 hour classroom class

I have taught an oracle certification class 19 times.
It has been given as a standup curriculum. I think a video-version will be somewhat shorter, but there is still a lot of material.
Can anyone suggest what a maximum course length should be?
I am considering breaking it up into a. beginner b. intermediate. c. advanced
which would require a free video to explain in detail each of the section contents
so students end up in the right place.
Has anyone had this issue before? Is there a best practice for courses with a ton of content?
Hi, I didn't have this issue before but take a look at this guy:
I'm a student in one of his courses and I think he solved the problem you're describing really well:
- As you suggested too, he is breaking up the courses into beginner (1), intermediate (2), advanced (3) and expert (4)
- His courses are numbered in the thumbnail (1-4) so students can find their way around much easier
- When you look at this 4th course, you'll see that he lists his other three courses in the requirements section. Same for the other courses.
All of this creates a complete picture of what he's teaching. I would consider it as a best practice.
Hope this is helpful!
Best, Felix