About approval of my course


I created a new course called "Qgıs Uzaktan Algılama Uygulamaları". When i send this course for confirmation, udemy community said that i must change video aspect ratio.Then i created my course again.Old one were waster!Time was wasted too.

And now same person in udemy community decline my course again.He or she said that most of videos aspect ratio was fixed but 2 of them were in wrong aspect ratio.But all of the videos aspect ratio and resolution is same!I cant do nothing more.So i dont know what to do more.Udemy community also said that white sounds are coming from videos....

10 Of my courses have same issus but all of them were approved before.Now my last course isnt being approved.İf i fix one of them, i wait 2 days!!! But no confirmation.İ feel myself so sad about it.Cos i also created 10 course and sound quality was same.But now they said i need to fix them.Sorry!I cant do.I just only one pc to do.And there is no problem like this! How can i fix this problem?


  • SAPBuddy
    SAPBuddy Posts: 209 specialist rank

    For the audio issue you can fix it using software Audacity. It’s free software one the best free to use software. Please donate some money if you like the software.