When does my course "updated"?


I'm pretty new to Udemy.

I have a quick question to which I couldn't find an answer elsewhere.

I see courses with "Updated July 2, 2019". I wonder what is the definition / criteria of "update"? Does it include just a font change or you need to add a complete new section or chapter....?

I'd appreciate it if someone with experience here could help me.


  • debra1111
    debra1111 Posts: 229 specialist rank

    I just go in and make changes to an article every month.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,382 Udemy rank

    Hi @Mike Takada
    Even you have recently updated your course, there is a criteria for course changes that our product team has set in order for the "last updated" information to change. There is a bar that must be reached involving a certain amount of updates to your course content, before the “last updated” information changes.

    As a means to help ensure the integrity of our marketplace, we aren't able to share that criteria externally.

    In case you have further questions, please reach out to instructorsupport@udemy.com.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • Hi everyone,

    I have added a word document to one of my courses as an action to promote the course enrollment during black Friday, but I can see that last updated date didn't change. Is the course only update when I upload a video?

  • No. I uploaded a video, and changed the title slightly to reflect the current nature of the course, and it still says the wrong "last updated" date.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,382 Udemy rank

    Hi @RickMacGillis Although you have recently updated your course, there is a criteria for course changes that our product team has set in order for the "last updated" information to change. There is a bar that must be reached involving a certain amount of updates to your course content, before the “last updated” information changes.

    As a means to help ensure the integrity of our marketplace, we aren't able to share that criteria externally. We apologize for any inconvenience.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Moderator

  • Hi Eliana,

    While I do understand the reasons for not sharing the exact criteria publicly, I think that some guidelines should be provided.

    I've just added 14 Quiz questions to my course and 'Last updated' has stayed the same - now I'm wondering if it needs time to refresh or 14 Quiz questions (which is not a small amount of work and I honestly think it's not "gaming the system") aren't enough for updating the 'Last updated' field.



    EDIT: new date appeared!

  • Is this some kind of joke? As an instructor I want to know what to do for my course to show updated. Why does Udemy hide this information/criteria? At least tell us, the new content must be X amount of length to update your course or a file must be uploaded or something else.

    Are we playing hide and seek here? Is this how you treat your Instructors? This criteria thing is not a secret service information you should be hiding for god's sake.

  • RedScale
    RedScale Posts: 1 observer rank

    @IsmailCenk I completely agree

    Udemy, care to chime in as to why you're playing games with the people who bring you money?

  • Yes exactly. I am absolutely shocked right now, we generate money for Udemy and I can not even find out how to update my course because Udemy does not want to tell me how to do it. I have recently updated my course and the course still shows as not updated and emailed the Udemy instructor support and this is a part from the Udemy response:

    "As a means to help ensure the integrity of our marketplace, we aren't able to share that criteria externally. We apologize for any inconvenience.

    I'm sorry I can't share any additional information regarding this, but please let me know if you have any other questions."

    Wow , this is how Udemy treats the instructors. I am speechless

  • KamilKulik
    KamilKulik Posts: 2 researcher rank

    This is starting to get frustrating. I uploaded one genuinely new, 2 min video which took me 3 hrs to prepare, shoot and edit, edited course subtitle, edited course description, added 2 new quiz questions and deleted one lecture.

    How do you classify such actions other than an update? And my course is still not showing as updated.

    "Last updated" is a valuable information to the student. So much so, that Udemy product team decided to build some criteria around it to qualify updates. It's asymmetrical power dynamic to withhold that information from instructor community. I think there should be more transparency from Udemy about rules it uses to display and promote our courses, especially since they affect our sales.

    Also, as mentioned, it took me over 3 hrs to update my course - Udemy algorithms have no idea about that effort - all it sees is a 2 min video and some minor updates here and there. I find it frustrating that I'm putting my valuable time in, yet the computer says no.

  • KamilKulik
    KamilKulik Posts: 2 researcher rank

    update - pun intended - on the above. After around 3 hrs from implementing changes, the "Last updated" field now shows this month. Though this is a desired outcome for me, I still don't know which action from above-listed got qualified as a genuine course update.

    Therefore my argument about Udemy needing to be more transparent about this still stands.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,382 Udemy rank

    Hi @KamilKulik
    I'm happy to see your course has been updated and reflected in the course landing page. I’m going to pass along your thoughts and needs to the appropriate team.


  • Vignesh1810
    Vignesh1810 Posts: 1 observer rank


    Any update on this issue? Is Udemy now being transparent and sharing the criteria to fulfill to update the "Last update" field?

    Or still, Udemy stands by its previous comments: "As a means to help ensure the integrity of our marketplace, we aren't able to share that criteria externally. We apologize for any inconvenience."