Advice Needed: Reusing Existing Course Content

Hi everyone,

I've created a highly rated in course on Udemy in TOPIC-A and am now working on a new course in TOPIC-B (that should include the existing TOPIC-A content, since it's like the introduction). I'm not sure whether to simply include the entire old course section in the new one or to update the original course by adding new content. My concern is that changing the original course (and also changing the main topic) might dilute its focus, and Udemy doesn't have a way to set course prerequisites for marketing purposes. Has anyone faced a similar issue or have advice on the best way to proceed?"


  • Hi @hamzaGuenbouri

    Udemy policy doesn't allow us to include an entire course in another one. From what I remember each course should have at least 50% unique content.

    The rules & guidlelines page here states the following

    • Courses should not contain content that is duplicated in other courses published on the marketplace. Any overlap in content across your courses must remain minimal.

    You may want to check with policy team to be sure.

    Also, you are likely to have unhappy students seeing the same content in the advanced course for which they had already paid once. This may impact the ratings too.

    That leaves you with the option of creating a separate advanced course or update the existing one with advanced topics. I personally would update the existing course as longer courses in tech do better in the market place in my experience, and your existing course is just 2 hours.

    Hope this helps!