🎉 Udemy Founder Eren Bali Returns as Chief Technology Officer 🎉

Chrystie Posts: 531 Udemy rank
edited September 18 in Community News

We’re excited to announce that Eren Bali, who co-founded Udemy in 2010 and served as the company’s Chief Executive Officer until 2014, has returned to Udemy as our new Chief Technology Officer.

Eren will work closely with Udemy’s Chief Product Officer, Prasad Raje, to accelerate Udemy’s product strategy, leading the evolution of learning with AI, and delivering continued innovation and value to all customers.

Check out the full press release [here].



  • ScottDuffy
    ScottDuffy Posts: 811 rolemodel rank

    I've met Eren and like him. I want to say, "Welcome back", but he never really left since he was on the board. :)

    Welcome back anyway. Exciting news.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,299 rolemodel rank

    Welcome (back) Eren!

  • Now this may actually be exciting news !

  • Mufaddal
    Mufaddal Posts: 367 mentor rank

    Good News !

  • PhilEbiner
    PhilEbiner Posts: 163 visionary rank

    welcome back Eren!!!

  • Welcome back, Eren!

  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,310 rolemodel rank

    I'm hoping this is good news for Udemy after the rollercoaster. You never really!

  • REM
    REM Posts: 2 observer rank

    Welcome back our able CTO .Hope you have fresh ideas for management