Where do you put credits for images or music you use in a course, which require attribution?

I aasked this a few days ago and thought it was a simple question - apparently not.

Got comments in Studio U that this is a legal question, then it was a copyright question - neither is correct. I did finally go to Trust& Safety who also had difficulty understanding the question.

Then finally after several communications they said to put the credits at the end of a course. When I asked what that ment - they could not explain it.

They have now agreed that they can be added at the end of the video which uses the material, just like the credits you see at the end of a TV show.

There is lots of free material on line, but much of it, under creative content requires that proper attribution be given (who made it - where is the CC license). Don't use material without doing this, and at the end of the video makes sense.

At the end of the course makes no sense.


  • I think the problem you are having is that you are trying to do something that nobody else does. If that's the case, you need to ask why that is.

  • One of the popular posts here lists several sources for free images for people to us. Some of these require attribution. Maybe people using them are not familiar with copyright laws?

  • DYA2019
    DYA2019 Posts: 1 observer rank

    Hi RPavlis,

    Thanks for your post, I am having the same issue.
    Could you share an example of how that looks? I have several images per lecture that I need to accredit and not sure how to make clear at the end which citation fits which picture. Thanks for your help!

  • I use a lot of images in my course. Listing credits at the end of a course does not let people know which image is from which photographers. Can I embed each photo with the photographer's attribution?

  • Hello RPAVLIS

    I asked this question to support and was told I should ask my lawyer. He did not find anything in your material that relates to my question.

    If it is alright to add the credits at the end of the slides, is it OK to add them in a references and credits document in the Resources Folder of each lecture?

    Many thanks

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,344 Udemy rank

    Hi @AkramNajjar181
    In this case, I would recommend you to send an email with this question to the Trust & Safety team email to policy@udemy.com.


    Udemy Community Moderator

  • Many thanks Eliana
    I already sent a question (but maybe not to policy@udemy.com.

    I was told I should check with my Lawyer because this is a copyright issue.

    The lawyer could not find anything about this on the help pages except that I should not include my own websites and addresses (only in my profile)
    I will try once more.
    Many thanks