
What is your advice on creating assignments for students?

Will it create too much work (providing feedback) in the long-term?

Can I delete them later or would existing students lose their work?

Do you use assignments for your students?

Thanks for your advice. I am just proof reading/ watching my first course ready to publish. Would like to know the best thing to do.


  • This is a good idea to give some assignments to the student. Maybe it can take some time to complete but by doing this we can check the undestanding of students , we can check their knowledge on behalf of our cources.

  • Lizzy
    Lizzy Posts: 162 specialist rank

    Hi @HimanshuUpa530

    Yes, that's a good point- to see if the teaching is effective. Thanks so much

  • Based on my experience as a Udemy student, I say create assignments and encourage questions. I've taken quite a few courses here, and have the most positive feelings toward (and gave the best reviews to) the instructors who had assignments and responded to them, and who answered questions.

    I'm planning to include assignments in my course. I suspect not so many students will actually do them, but I bet those who do and who get feedback from me will be more inclined to take other courses from me.

    By the way, what is your course about?


  • Lizzy
    Lizzy Posts: 162 specialist rank

    Thanks for your advice @DavidBookbinder

    My first course is for adults with dyslexia to help them understand it. This will be very niche. I am not concerned about making money in the early stages, I am just keen to learn how to create a good course.

    Hope you are making good progress with your course.

  • Hi @Lizzy
    - I use assignments extensively in all my courses. It deepens and broadens their learning and students love them.

    Be aware that this feature is NOT available (to my chagrin) on the Udemy App and they have no inclination to update it in the foreseeable future. I get around this by also having PDF's of the assignments for them - it is not the same experience as they do not get the feedback that they love.... but it is the best I can do with the system limitations.

    So long as you provide adequate resources AND a credible answer they get it right. My answers are generally only a few words of encouragement (which they LOVE). Students like to feel you are here and available for them and this is one great way to do this. It takes me less than five minutes to reply to a dozen assignment answers (today's lot - I timed myself for you!!!).

  • Lizzy
    Lizzy Posts: 162 specialist rank

    Hi @SharonRamel

    That's great advice, thank you. I appreciate you giving me the timing it takes, and of course, you have loads of successful courses so if you can manage it, I'm sure I could as well. I am expecting a soft launch of my courses! I will probably welcome an assignment from a student! It's great to know you enjoy it.

  • Hi, Lizzy. Your course sounds interesting and needed, particularly if it helps some people understand that their learning disability is not their fault and something they can work around. I look forward to seeing it.

    As for me, the going is slow, but I am editing my 7th lecture this week.

    Given that I'm still seeing clients full time, I think I'm making reasonable progress, but it will still take me quite a while, at this rate, to be ready to publish.


  • Lizzy
    Lizzy Posts: 162 specialist rank

    Yes, it's hard to fit in around other work. Mine gets really busy now and my courses will go on the backburner. But my first one is nearly done.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,335 rolemodel rank


    Shame about the app I would think since it is a key feature it would be on the roadmap...
    Questions (because I am adding assignments soon).
    How many students do you think do the assignments?

    How many assignments do you have in a course?

  • @Thor
    , it depends on the course length - roughly one per hour of content and a maximum of one per section. It really depends on the course and how it is going as the assignment are a natural part of the flow.

    I had a look for you and the assignments on this rational would pan out to be about 70. Many students use the App so they are restricted to working with a PDF copy of it. I have managed to reduce the irritation from them by providing them with the PDF's - Screen Shot 2019-09-24 at 11.38.07 am.png

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,335 rolemodel rank

    Mahalo Nui Loa!

  • @DavidBookbinder

    Based on my experience as a Udemy student, I say create assignments and encourage questions. I've taken quite a few courses here, and have the most positive feelings toward (and gave the best reviews to) the instructors who had assignments and responded to them, and who answered questions.

    I'm planning to include assignments in my course. I suspect not so many students will actually do them, but I bet those who do and who get feedback from me will be more inclined to take other courses from me.

    By the way, what is your course about?


    Hi David

    Do you add assignments during course preparation only or add assignments afterwards to boost course engagement by students by communicating via announcements/ promotion emails etc?

    Udemy advice to promote student engagement using methods like challenging the students to complete X hours of course and so on.

    I am wondering whether anybody tried this to engage the students and what was the outcome?

    Thank you.

    Biju Joseph

  • I can make assignments for students.. specialy of finance & accounting..