I Am Leaving Udemy For The New Bad Course Landing Page Design!

Hello everyone,
I was working on a 50+ hours course for more than 2 months. I have already made 20+ hours of HD video content for my course. But today i just saw the new "Course Landing Page" design. In my opinion this is the worst design that Udemy ever did on their website. I just don't know why the design team of Udmey is so bad! Now i am really upset and don't want to publish my course anymore. I shall upload the content on youtube but not on Udemy.
There are some reaason that i don't like the course landing page design,
1) Students can't easily see the course length anymore! If the course is 70+ hours or big course then immediately the students get interested, bigger course attract more people. But now the students need to scroll down to see the length. Most of the student will miss it and upcoming new instructor will loose student's attraction.
2)Why udemy design team want so much to share the course? First the existing students should buy it. It looks bad to see the "Share" and "Gift this course" button
3)Free preview of the lectures look very bad
4)When i scroll down and then scroll up to the top some time the course image shows sometime it doesn't!
5)Only 5 sections are for preview!
6)No lectures are for automatic preview from the first course, i have to click to see
Udemy did change the instructor profile look and liked it. But now, it's really not good. Udemy, please, i liked the previous course landing page design. Students are used to it and also it was awesome. Get the previous course landing page design. Please....
May I humbly make a suggestion?Udemy now has 50 million students in the marketplace. Udemy is very analytic and bases their design decision on experiments and data analysis. May I suggest that you just take your time and reconsider. You are very unlikely to make the money on YouTube that you can here, if your course is of high quality.
I haven't seen any significant change in my course landing pages so I can't see the changes that you are referring to. I can't see that you have yet published a course so I am not sure how you can see this horrible change. Can you provide a link? I would like to see it.
I would like to make another suggestion. Why a fifty hour course for your first course? Most people do not want to take a fifty hour course. Why not develop a few shorter courses, say five to ten hours, and start building a student base. I think that is a more likely path to success. It will also simply be less frustrating that trying to build a fifty hour course as your first course. It is a bit like taking your first dive off a diving board that is 100 feet above the water.
Anyway, good luck to you.
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Hi Mr Lawrence M. Miller
I'm preparing a 15 hours course, is it a bad decision to start with that?
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I think you would know best. It depends so much on your subject. 15 hours is much less than 50!
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Landing page on courses look the same, the instructor profile is changed.
It seems rash to leave a platform you have not published on because you don't like a certain design. I mean do what you want, but really the question is do the students like it?
Udemy mostly make changes based on tons of information and data we as instructors do not have access to.
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We have no way of knowing that.
What is normal in your topic space, what is needed to cover the concepts you teach?
Some topics and areas it is 2 hours, others 20+.
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Doesn't look like dramatic changes to me. Just some UI changes.
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Nice discussion going on here.
I have few points to notice:
1. Someone in past, said that he is not going to publish free courses as udemy is changing its policy.
2. Now some one is going to leave his / her 50+ hours course unpublished, becuase udemy has made slight changes in its course landing page. Which seems to me more informative to students.
3. What is point of showing number of hours to students? When they can see best seller or highest rated tages in very first line.
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'What is point of showing number of hours to students? When they can see best seller or highest rated tages in very first line'.
Why would a 'Best Seller' or 'Highest Rating' tag, negate the need to show the number of hours?
It's probably one of the most mandatory peices of information after the Cirriculum and Course Description.
Students want to know what content they are getting access to (The curriculum which also shows duration per lesson) and the total amount of time it's going to take to finish the course.
Thankfully, students don't instinctively pounce upon Best Sellers and Highest Rated courses, lest many of us would be sitting at the wayside. They are likely to select a course which corresponds to their needs - content wise and duration wise.
Some 'Best Sellers' and 'Highest Rated' courses that return as high as number one in a search, aren't even relevant (or fully relevant) to the specific topic that was searched...
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wrote:Hello everyone,
I was working on a 50+ hours course for more than 2 months. I have already made 20+ hours of HD video content for my course. But today i just saw the new "Course Landing Page" design. In my opinion this is the worst design that Udemy ever did on their website. I just don't know why the design team of Udmey is so bad! Now i am really upset and don't want to publish my course anymore. I shall upload the content on youtube but not on Udemy.
There are some reaason that i don't like the course landing page designHi if you dnt like the course landing page design, send email to Udemy n see if they can change the design for you.
You also don't have to give up your opportunity so easily after your efforts, time commitment n sleepless nights to create ur course.
Take time to relax ur mind n think twice or thrice b4 making a decision out of anger or jumping to conclusion
Many successful instructors use Both Udemy n YouTube and/ other platforms (even their website) to publish or market their courses.
If a page design upsets u this much what about bad or unfair reviews u gonna get from students?