Course for IT professionals

Dear Instructor Community,
I have two professions. I'm an accountant and a translator (English - Spanish - English). I don't have an IT background.
Is there anything you think I could teach web developers or IT professionals in general? Is there anything in my background that could be useful to them?
I truly appreciate your comments. :smileyhappy:
I sit in both camps. Why not teach the groups you already know?
Why teach to a demographic which you know nothing about (yet) or even know of useful topics (currently)
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Oh now I see why.
Focus on niche, what nobody else is doing, what can you offer that is unique. Don't look for content just because it is a large user base. Which would you rather have? Sell to 1000 niche and committed fans or try to sell to thousands with an average meh offering that feels more of the same.
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I already designed courses for people with my background. However, I do want to expand to other student groups. I just want to know if anything I already know could be useful to the IT student group. Thank you for your input.
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A lot of the IT people using this site will be freelancers. So I think there should be an audience for your accountant skills. How do you keep track of your finances? How do you calculate your rates? Question like these could be interesting. And maybe you get a chance to talk to some of your potential audience first to find out what their specific needs and questions are.
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Thanks Jan! This helps a lot!
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hi everyone
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You might check Udemy Marketplace Insight. Search for IT skills related to your background.