Two people using one account

My business partner and I are planning an ambitious set of courses, but we're wondering how to publish under our "company" name rather than one or the other of our individual accounts. We'd both like to have the ability to publish content, answer student questions, etc. Any guidance on how we can accomplish this?


  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    Hi @JennyWarila
    You simply sign up as that name or you can, sign up with both of your names and your company name in the title, you can either create one account or two accounts. Then as you add courses you are the ad the other person as a co-instructor, unless you were just both using the same account. Just a matter of being creative with your title and making a look personal at the same time. If you have a search through the courses you will find many people appear as companies. You both have the same logon details, thus access

  • Thanks for the quick response, Sharon! That's pretty easy.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,335 rolemodel rank

    I would make separate accounts.

    If you do choose 1 account make sure you do it with a company tax ID that you co-own and not your SSN.

    I personally have 2 accounts, one in my name and another in my business' name, the second account is used by my VAs for uploading, subtitles, answering reviews, and questions.

  • Thanks Thor! I see from your courses how you list both business and personal profiles. That's exactly what we need. Perfect!