Hello from a Marketing Enthusiast

Hello to all those who take the time to read.

I am so excited as I hosted a free course 4 days back and have 25 students enrolled.

I am looking forward to learning and sharing my knowledge on this platform.

It is like I have found my space here.

If anyone wants any help please give me a shout and am happy to do what I best can.


  • SAPBuddy
    SAPBuddy Posts: 210 specialist rank

    Congratulations for your first course.

  • @SAPBuddy
    thankyou. Any pointers you would like to suggest to keep the pace steady.

    How often do you suggest one post new courses? thank you.

  • SAPBuddy
    SAPBuddy Posts: 210 specialist rank

    It depends on your capacity. Sooner is better, but give some time to plan pickup right topics. If we select unpopular topics you can get negative reviews which could impact your Instructors review. For me it take a year to create new course.

  • @SAPBuddy
    thank you for that feedback. I am sure though your courses are complex and technical and need practice. Appreciate your response.


  • I certainly need advice on marketing my new course! It's been around for a couple days with only one purchaser.

  • Hello Thomas

    I looked at your course and the description.

    In Marketing we would say that no one product or service can fulfill everyone's need.

    Who is your target audience here? Describe them with a query e.g. Are you interested in this did you know this .

    If you can clearly identify which need (s) of the person will get fulfilled when they complete the course

    You can also consider modularizing the course with smaller courses using the same content and give this course at a prices less than sum of all courses as a bundle.

    You can try using other techniques also which I can share if you are interested.

    Having said that my course is free and first attempt here and the recording was actually not specifically done for this platform. I plan to redo some of my recordings when i make it a paid course by adding value .

    best wishes and hey its only been that long. You will get there.

    regards and cheers.