Refund is a really burden of instructor? Yes ? or No?

Dear Sirs, and my Friends of Instructors here.

Fiirstly, Apologize me so much that I make a statemrnt above, maybe I am wrong : for I am as a new member here with 2 months of publisher with one course. only.

I have read about 300 articles concerning refund in which it is rather tendention of a burden of Instructor. It describes abuse refund policy, students are " Naughty ", stealing of material of the course and relatively easy to draw the money for refund without information to the Instructor system.

I am expecting


  • Continued that There will be a kind of editing policy, so the 30 days refund policy more fair or in another word that it makes encouraging of spirit of Instructor.

    For example for Nov 2021 revenue about 37 USD & Refund is 27 USD, SO the gross revenue is 10 USD before tax. My question is that 27 USD is a burden iof refund and thec cost of refund is in charged to the Instructor ONLY? Be apologize me about my question

  • The truth is that I pay absolutely no attention to refunds until someone brings the subject up in this forum. For the past seven years, my refunds average between 1 and 1.5% of my monthly revenue. I assume that the marketing value of the refund policy for students far outweighs the cost. If your refund rate is much higher I would question whether or not there is a quality problem in your courses that is causing students to want their money back.

  • Dear Mr. LawrenceMMiller,

    Thank so much yr feedback, I appreciate it refer to a high refund means a quality of the course.

    The quality of the course is the main problem, I would like to know in which menu of the Udemy web or dashboard of Instructor I am going to know the reasons of students who do the refund? So I can make a repair quality of the course based on the refund reasons of those students doing a refund process.

    This happened at this era moment 2021 , do have other Instructors find an experience like me? Is still about 1 percent or how much percentage is standard of good enough?

    Do you have an experience & how the way to know the reasons of students who do a refund!! Thank for yr guide of refund about and how to overcome in it ?

    Apologize me, please share the knowledge also about How to overcome.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,331 rolemodel rank

    IF refunds are 1-2% you are fine, not an issue.

    IF they are higher, you may have some issues you need to fix on your courses.

    Will some students abuse the refund policy? Yes.
    Is it a problem, No.

    Having the policy drives far more sales than it costs you in refunds, it makes students feel safe buying a course they were on the fence about.

  • There is no way to know why a student asks for a refund. They do not need to leave a review or send you a message. I see that you have one course that has only four reviews. This is not enough data to be meaningful.

    You need to study other courses by leading instructors and compare them to your own.

  • Dear LawrenceMMiller,

    It is my great appreciate to yr a great guide to be a better course, I think, thank so much for the clue given to me, my best regard as a new instructor with a little experience to teach online, once again, thank a sharp solution for me based on my refund about.

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,902 rolemodel rank

    Does that 1-2% figure include UFB revenue? If you factor out UFB (where refunds don't happen) what are you seeing?

    For me it's more like 5% if I exclude UFB, but it's spread out pretty evenly among my courses, so I don't think it's indicative of some specific course issue(s).

    That's pretty substantial and there's probably still a lot of money on the table for Udemy to curb refund abuse further.

  • SAPBuddy
    SAPBuddy Posts: 209 specialist rank

    Refund policy is an one of the KPI for guanine students. It is not a problem. Yes, we will always find someone abusing these options. This is general problem in online platform. We should ignore them and move on.

  • I think the refund days should be of 15-20 days instead of 30 days