이제 Udemy는 고품질 TTS 프로그램을 사용하여 생성한 오디오 지침이 포함된 강의를 수락합니다.

Udemy의 정책이 업데이트 되었습니다. 최근 강의를 TTS로 만들어볼 생각 입니다.

첫번째, 텍스트 음성 변환 소프트웨어로 만든 강좌를 접수하고 있습니다. 하지만 오디오가 로봇처럼 들리거나 눈에 띄는 오발음이 포함되어 있거나 산만하거나 오디오 또는 기타 품질 표준을 위반하는 경우 게시할 수 없습니다.
둘째, 교수자가 보너스 강의로 제한되는 필수 코스 리소스를 공유할 수 있는 공간으로 '코스 설정 강의'를 지정합니다. 이곳을 통해서 코스에 필수적인 외부 도구 및 리소스에 대한 홍보 및 할인이 가능 합니다.

Hello Instructors! We are pleased to announce two exciting policy updates straight from our Trust & Safety Team. These changes have been driven by valuable feedback from our esteemed instructors like you. Get ready to embrace more flexibility in your course creation process!

First, we are now accepting courses created with text-to-speech software. We have consistently heard from instructors about their interest in using these programs, and recent advancements in the technology meet our content standards. Usage of text-to-speech tools in your course creation and editing can offer enhanced accessibility and flexibility for you as well as your learners.

While we’re excited about the new opportunities this technology offers, usage of text-to-speech will need to follow a few guidelines. For example, if the audio sounds robotic, contains noticeable mispronunciations, or is otherwise distracting or in violation of the Audio or other Quality Standards, it will not be accepted for publication. As always, courses that perform well in the marketplace may be considered for curation into Udemy Business as well. You can learn more about UB curation here.

Second, we are designating a Course Setup Lecture, as a space for instructors to share required course resources which would otherwise be restricted to the Bonus Lecture. We are committed to keeping course material free of promotional content but are optimistic that this additional lecture type will help learners get discounts for relevant and course-essential external tools and resources such as exam vouchers and software discounts.

To learn more about these updates, please see the Audio and Video Standards and Course Setup Lecture policy pages, which have updated our policies effective today.
