Bad audio on Udemy's side - I lose money

I just got a private message from a student, who was really angry about the horrible audio quality of my course - apparently the audio was constantly breaking off, she heard the music but then no sound, and now she claims my course is "trash" quality wise and wants her money back.

First of all, my courses have really good quality in terms of sound and video and they run perfectly on my computer. So here I am selling my courses on a platform that doesn't provide the same level of quality, customers get pissed off at me and I lose the money from the sale, on top of it. Why am I being punished for Udemy's mistakes?

I've seen this before btw, bad ratings because the platform quality doesn't hold up, but everybody gets mad at the instructors instead of blaming the platform. Maybe some of the tons of money you're making could go into improving this instead of playing around with new colours and shapes.


  • Mafer R
    Mafer R Posts: 560 researcher rank

    Hi @Esther
    I'm sorry to hear this is happening to you. Please keep in mind the community is not an escalation channel, and only the Instructor team can look into this for you. I suggest you reach out to for the team to take a closer look. They'll be happy to help

    Fernanda Rivera

    Community Moderator

  • #Solution

    Hi, had same problem here, I just imported the video file (which indeed was heavy) into Shotcut (I am sur you can use any other very easy conversion program on your platform) and exported the file... Default settings reduced the size of the video by more than half. The audio of this file wasn't distorted and there was no grrrr added when I uploaded it on udemy.

    Hope this helps.

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Thanks for sharing your solution @Francois-P
    ! Hopefully, this will work for you too @Esther
    , but if it doesn't, please do let us know by emailing so we can continue to investigate. We understand that having this experience is not ideal and will be more than happy to assist you further.

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community