Canva Presentation on record

Hi All,

I want to utilize a powerpoint style presentation to create visual instructions to accompany the lecture, and I like Canva rather than Microsoft Power Point. As I'm presenting in full screen, it's recording a video of me with audio in the bottom right corner, along with the presentation. When I'm done it creates a video format I can download. Is the record and present option in Canva going to be acceptable to upload as a screencast?


  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 457 mentor rank

    Hi @JenniferWhi711

    Well Canva is reinventing itself! I had no idea they had this capability. Udemy does give specifics and you can read more HERE. I would recommend recording a small sample and try uploading it to the udemy platform as a test.

  • Definitely something to test, but the free version of Canva appears to download .mp4's at 1080, which should be good enough for Udemy. I believe there is a 30 minute limit per download for the free version, but hopefully your lectures aren't that long!
