If you could turn back time….

Hello Instructors!

In life, it’s a good thing to have no regrets. But when it comes to creating your first course, we’re guessing that you might have had one or two….

If you could go back in time, what is one thing that you would do differently with your Audio/Visual setup?

P.S. How many of you sang thought of Cher when you saw this post discussion subject line?


  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,806 rolemodel rank

    ...if I could find a way...

    I would have bought a boom arm to make it easy to keep my mic at the proper distance and angle from my head. In my first course, I used the desktop stand my mic came with (a Blue Yeti at the time, which is just what I had lying around). That resulted in it being too far and angled in such a way that it picked up a lot of room noise and echo. A boom arm is an inexpensive way to fix that.

  • Yes, if I could turn back time .... So many things, maybe not use PowerPoint but work directly on Udemy Curriculum and better video material.

    I imported my PowerPoint presentation and it took very long from slide to slide. Would try something else with my next course.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,315 rolemodel rank

    I would try not to make it perfect, even a few months later I could see it was far from.

    Make good, not perfect, it never will be.

  • Uh oh ~ I purchased a Blue Yeti specifically for the course that I was creating a few months back; I've not received comments about background noise from any of the very few students who have participated in my course... Just lucky with sound, or perhaps the many blankets and pillows I propped up behind me helped.