Is it possible to report a student?

This happened to me twice this month. A student would enroll on all my courses (I have three), then they would get a full refund, then enroll again and get another full refund.

How is this allowed?


  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @LaneAntunes2021, I'm very sorry to hear about this. I know it's frustrating to get repeat refunders. If you see suspicious behavior like this, you can always report it to I recommend sending as many details as possible about the situation and our team will make sure to investigate.

    You can learn more about our refund policy here.

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community

  • I sent a message to the email you suggested. A student bought my courses (the same ones) nine times and got a full refund afterwards. This makes no sense, but in any case, it`s not good for my courses to have so many refunds.

    Thank you for your help. Have a nice day!

  • Hey"> that's very sad but you can report it

  • I just find it really weird that someone would buy and return the same courses over and over again. Why on earth would someone do that?

  • Whoa! It's a unique case I have ever heard off. Reporting this student to the policy team is the only suitable option.

  • Jesmion
    Jesmion Posts: 102 traveler rank
    That's good and impressive ideas regards to frustrating refund after payment. My opinions is that, the student should be careful when puchasing a course; because, no course is without value. Example, if student want to study government, he/she should go straight to BIAFRANEDU or MORALITY course that has governance lecture and continue with it. And not from governance studies to Engineering etc.