Tip for Trimming my video

Hello everyone.

I made an hour video, suddenly I understod that students will avoid it.

And I wanted to split it, but the issue is that the second splited video starts with the end on the first video.

Is it a great to continue spliting, or sholud I recording again from scratch.

My course is about programming.


  • Salil Dhawan
    Salil Dhawan Posts: 309 mentor rank

    If you are teaching one concept or idea in this video, you can create a lecture before it saying, the next lecture is one hour long and it walks you through this process so take the time out and follow along to learn how to do this.

    I have a guide to the course lecture in the beginning where I tell students few important things about the course like this.

    If the video contains multiple concepts / topics / ideas then definitely split them, when you split you can record an intro, that in this lecture we will do this, then add the split clip after that small 1-15 sec intro to create context.

    Wish you all the best.

    Thank You

    Salil Dhawan

  • Thanks Salil for your tip is really really helpful, even though my video contains multiple concepts that related to each other.

    Its a good idea to shrink it to multiple videos.,

    saying I'll continue explaning in the next lecture and not to re-recording again for what I've spet time for.