New Month New Theme: Instructor Stories!


Hey Instructor Community!

November is here and that means there’s a new theme for the instructor community, Instructor Stories! All of you have experiences as instructors, and with that, comes great stories to tell! So this month is perfect for you to share your stories as an instructor and maybe learn from other’s experiences.

To kick things off, we’d love to hear from you.

What is the most unexpected thing you have experienced as an online instructor?

Share your comments below .


  • So useful to get nice instructions and suggestions for growth of my courses. May i know when exactly Black Friday 2023 falls.

  • I love being an instructor and for the most part, the questions and comments students provide are good. However; the most unexpected that that I have experienced was a student asking me for assistance with a personal problem.

  • I started to realize that building an audience is the key to success. I'm learning now and putting in effort everyday to stack the deck!

  • Udemy's sign-up and sign problems were unexpected as most of my students complained to me about them.

  • For me is unexpected to discover, what a good publisher communitiy is here. Usually I use Udemy on Phone, and in the application I could miss a lot of news and things. The application is a little bit different.

  •'s very good than you can imagine

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,299 rolemodel rank

    When students meet you in the wild (real world).

    I am a huge introvert. I am happy not seeing anyone other than my wife and dog for weeks.

    So when people stop me on the street (a handful of times since 2017/2018?), and say "Hey, aren't you Thor?!?! I have listened to you sooo much, I feel like I know you.

    It is a combination of super awesome and really awkward.

    I understand it, I have the same things with instructors I watched/listened to for 100s of hours when I studied, it is still very weird.

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 1,907 Udemy rank

    Hey, aren't you Thor?!?! I have listened to you sooo much, I feel like I know you.

    It is a combination of super awesome and really awkward.

    Thank you for sharing, Thor. I can imagine that it must be feeling awesome and awkward at the same time. Did they ask for a selfie or an autograph?


  • upkaizen
    upkaizen Posts: 95 storyteller rank

    Truly rewarding and unexpected.

    Personal letter from few students thanking me for the course provided, and how it has helped them in their professional career.

    It really inspires me to provide good quality content,


  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 1,907 Udemy rank

    Thank you so much for sharing, @upkaizen

    This sounds absolutely lovely!