Can I sell my course to another platform?

I making my first Udemy course, and I have one question. Can I sell that course on some other platforms like teachable, skillshare, etc, or I can sell it only on Udemy?


  • MariaG
    MariaG Posts: 2,328 researcher rank

    Hi @PiximumAgen707

    Udemy's marketplace model means that when you publish a course on our platform, you retain all the rights to your content. You simply grant us a license to host the course and make it available to our users, and to advertise your course on our platform and on third party services.

    These license terms are outlined in detail in Udemy’s instructor terms. You can also offer your course on other services, but we ask that your course is never offered for a lower price than on Udemy. Note that if your course is included in the Udemy for Business content collection, per the Promotions Policy, there may be additional distribution.

    Hope this helps!

  • “we ask that your course is never offered for a lower price than on Udemy”

    That does not seem to be the case, Udemy requires that the course is not offered for free elsewhere, not that the price should not be lower. This is the response I got from the policy team:

    You are correct - you may put your course on your own website for a lower price than on Udemy, so long as it is not free.“

    “you are welcome to post them on any platform you choose. All we ask is that you do not offer them for free elsewhere while charging for them on Udemy.”

  • Hi @MariaG
    is it true that the price of my course can be even cheaper on any other platform as long as it is not for free as mentioned by @Baghi823

  • MariaG
    MariaG Posts: 2,328 researcher rank

    Hi @drkrisharma

    The only requirement that is asked is not to offer a paid Udemy course for free elsewhere. You can have a lower price, publish the course on your own website or even on other platforms as long as what was mentioned is met.
  • Thank you for clarifying as I was about to ask the same question.

  • Hi @MariaG
    - does the same apply to courses that were added to Udemy for Business collection? Or is the policy different then? I can't find anything in instructor T&Cs that would forbid that, but I have seen information that would lead me to believe that UFB courses can be only available on Udemy and own website?

  • Baghi823
    Baghi823 Posts: 17 trailblazer rank

    MariaG, that is not what you wrote in your first reply, so I don't understand why you gave me the answer I myself gave earlier. Regards

  • Good day, @MariaG

    According to last agreement. Is these rules are correct?

    • If course is free on Udemy I can post everywhere the course.
    • If course is paid on Udemy I can post everywhere the course but not lower price than Udemy.
    • If course in Udemy business so I can't post everywhere the course.

    Thank you

    Best Yan