A stretched demo video

I'm having trouble understanding video compression. I'm a new instructor. Udemy said my demo video was stretched their recommendations use Vimeo and re-export the video I didn't need to re-record it. I'm afraid I can't explain it but some how I uploaded my demo video onto Vimeo then It downloaded to my phone then I uploaded to Udemy and I see the video and I'm waiting for their feedback however under the the video it says video in queue. This is all new for me I'm trying to understand video compression and fixing it. I could some help any suggestions for a new instructor would be much appreciated.


  • Hey @SabonnaAKee750

    I can understand you problem. Tell me you send your video lecture to Udemy for feedback and what Udemy said what is the main problem with your demo lecture.

  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 877 Udemy rank

    Hi @SabonnaAKee750
    Welcome to the Community!

    If you see the status of the video as "video in queue", what you probably sent was a test video, please wait for the feedback from the quality team, it can take two business days for the video to be reviewed. If you want to get detailed information about it, please send us an email to our Instructor Support team.

    Best of success!!!