Changing course name, image, removing old content, lecture description

Hi Everyone,

1. I'm currently updating one of my courses on iOS development and thought of changing the course name and image. Has anyone done this before. The change in title should reflect the fact that the course is updated to iOS 18.

2. I also thought of changing the course image. It's a bit dark and also it might reflect the new update.

3. The course is nearly 80 hours now and quite soon I'll pass the 80 hour mark. I think it's about time to remove some of the older content. The course was created almost two years ago and some sections might be less relevant now. However I feel that many students have not reached the sections I would like to remove and removing them might feel unfair. Perhaps I could delete those sections from the current course and put them in a separate free course. That way I could offer these lectures to my students.

4. Does anyone actually use the lecture description and/or section description. I never fill these in. However I just realized that maybe this would help as far as SEO goes? Any thoughts?

Thanks and Happy Course Creation!



  • .
    . Posts: 169 storyteller rank

    oh man, I have no idea what you are looking for, but kind unsolicited advice just by looking at your courses. I will honestly delete this comment if you don't want this (appologies in advance).

    1) remove the 2.0 stars course you have from 2013

    2) remove the other course from 2013 with no reviews at all, and just 15 enrollments.

    3) remove the other two courses with 3.x ratings

    I don't know how you manage to keep up with that 80+ hours course, but if it's 4.x, you should rather split it up and make more money.

    just my two cents, bro. keep it up, I was rather impressed with your instructor profile

  • RonErez
    RonErez Posts: 112 storyteller rank

    Thanks, indeed I need to consider removing courses although it makes me sad since i put so much work into them. The course with the two star review was published too early before Black Friday. Students can tell when a course is incomplete and I kind of lost motivation to update it. I could close the Go course, work on it behind the scenes and then republish as a new course. I just have to check with Udemy whether or not that is okay. The course :algorithmic approach to Swift which has a 3.52 rating is an amazing course but hardly anyone left a review so if someone left a bad review, it’s hard to even things out.

    Thanks for the advice, for example it would be a great idea to remove the Swift crash course which no one buys. I guess the general instructor rating is important?

  • .
    . Posts: 169 storyteller rank

    yeah, look, I had some pretty advanced stuff I tried to teach as well through practice tests. For whatever reason, it didn't go well. I got bad ratings on that and at some point I unpublished them.

    I know well how you can grow attached of what you have. But at some point you must realize that you simply damage your image, if you do not get rid of things that did not take off.

    As usual, just my two cents and... who knows... I may be wrong. Do what you think it's best for you, that's what I do for myself