Clarity on Copyright for udemy courses

I would just like to get a clarity on udemy's support with Copyright

- As an instructor i create my own courses and upload to Udemy. Will Udemy get a copyright for my content on my name once the course is published ?

I have read at places that Udemy does this automatically to protect the contents published, but i also get a contradicting reply from udemy that they do not support with creating any copyright content for the authors.

Could someone please clarify if udemy really provides a valuable support related to protecting your course contents




  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,398 Udemy rank

    Hi @SuryaPrakashG
    Thanks for bringing this question. It seems you have had an open conversation about this topic with our Trust & Safety team. I recommend you post this question to the team so they can clear things out for you as they are the best equipped to address your inquiries. We thank you for your understanding.


    Udemy Community Moderator

  • Hello,

    When you create a course on Udemy, you retain the copyright for your original content. Udemy does not automatically claim copyright on your behalf. However, it’s essential to ensure that your course materials do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others. Here are some key points:

    Copyright Protection: As an instructor, you automatically obtain copyright for your original works (such as scripts, videos, and practice questions) when you create a course. Udemy respects your ownership of these materials.
    Third-Party Content: If you plan to use third-party content (e.g., music, video snippets, or code) in your course, aim to obtain permission from the copyright owner. In some cases, fair use may apply, but it’s best to consult with an attorney if you have any doubts1.
    Udemy’s Role: While Udemy provides guidelines and encourages instructors to respect copyright, they cannot guarantee that your course won’t receive copyright notices after publishing. If a valid copyright complaint arises, Udemy will take necessary actions based on their Intellectual Property Policy1.
    Remember to create original content and be mindful of copyright considerations. If you ever encounter unauthorized use of your work in another Udemy course, you can report it to .

    Best Regards Official Website
