
I wanted to know that if I am offering free courses and I got good amount of views and students I will get some money or not..I am not getting ans.


  • If Udemy is not charging students for your courses (because you set them as free), they are not going to give you any money.

    For the sake of completeness: You could earn money from free courses if they are included in the UFB program, but that is not common for free courses.

  • Hi no u don’t earn any money for free courses.. so go ahead and publish a paid course to get going.

  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 669 visionary rank

    - If you are getting a good amount of signups on your free course it's because these signups come from bots that look for free courses and then automatically sign up. You can no benefit whatsoever from these signups. They are not actual students. You will never earn any money from them.