First Course Published

So I published my first course, created a coupon... now what? Am I going to be rich by the end of the month or... no??? :smileyhappy: How long was your course published before you got paid?


  • Karansetia
    Karansetia Posts: 205 specialist rank

    the Payout of udemy will be everymonths as the month gonna end and your students increase you will be getting a handfull of income soon .

    All the best !

  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 669 visionary rank

    I took a look at your course. Some things immediately stood out to me:

    1. You are a first time author with no track record.
    2. Your course is only 38 minutes long and 1.5 minutes of that is the introduction. You may not find many people willing to pay $20 for a course that is only 36 minutes long. Of course, you cannot sell a course for less than $20 so you are sort of stuck there.
    3. I don't have cold, hard, data to back this up, but I suspect short courses are refunded at a greater rate than longer courses. A student finishes such a course and thinks, "I paid $20 for this very short course?"
    4. You are targeting a segment of customers that have to be wealthy enough to have concerns about passing assets to heirs.
    5. Your course is probably limited to United States customers only because inheritence laws in other countries will no doubt be different.

    So, all of this to say that it's quite likely it will take many months for your course to gain any sort of traction. You can also expect to earn about $4 for each sale you make, assuming Udemy does all the marketing of your course for you, and most of your sales comes from Udemy site wide sales and ad programs.

    Oh, Udemy pays out every month. Sales for June, 2020 will be paid out on August 7, 2020 (I think). It's been my experience, since last September, that Udemy is very good about paying out promptly.

  • DYay2810
    DYay2810 Posts: 176 storyteller rank


    Am I going to be rich by the end of the month or... no??? :

    Umm... Most likely NO, for most instructors it takes weeks if not months to start gaining traction for the course.

  • Thanks, I am not too overly concerned with Udemy marketing. This is will be marketed to my followers. This course was also something I had been preparing as part of a presentation for part of my face to face. I moved quickly to get something published just to learn the process, the review, and the requirements. Thanks for the feedback. I am 1 week in and just trying to learn the ropes. It's kind of hard to meet people in the community.