Hot and new badge duration


Currently what is the duration of the hot and new badge? It was 60 days, however I'm under the impression that not it is 75 days? I know there is something about two week period of no promotions?

Thanks and Happy course creation!



  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 1,930 Udemy rank

    Hi @RonErez

    Great question! We can confirm that courses are eligible for the “Hot & New" badge for the first 74 days. You can find more information about this in this Help Center article or our Teaching Center update. This policy was indeed updated when we decided that courses would not be promoted in the first 2 weeks in the United States.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions.

    I wish you a lovely weekend!

  • .
    . Posts: 169 storyteller rank

    Hmm, that's interesting but weird. I usually had my best sales immediately after launching a new course and offering 5-days coupons for 10-16 bucks.

    I've read the articles, but I don't understand what made Udemy coming up with this.

    Just saying (as I'm not great at marketing, at all).