How do I get enrolled students to complete the course



My first course just went live, and people are enrolling. However, I noticed that many registered but did not take the steps to start the course. So, while I may have good traction of enrolments, my reviews are very low since most have not progressed in the course.

How do I encourage participants to complete so they can provide reviews?


  • LawrenceMMiller


    I see that your course is "free." It is normal that free courses have a very low ratio of reviews to enrollments. When you don't give away free coupons you are likely to have between 1/3 - 1/5 reviews to enrollments.

  • ilovedogs74

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Just a quick one - assuming that it is chargeable and students receive free coupons, would it not be the same as giving a free course and having a similar pattern of a low ratio of reviews/enrolments? Can you share your experience on this?

  • LawrenceMMiller

    Yes, I think giving away free coupons and making a course free has the same or similar result, a lot of enrollments, but few actual students and few reviews. Also, the reviews tend to be more negative. It is ironic, but when you pay for something you value it more, when it is free you discount it.

  • LawrenceMMiller

    Esther, do you want to know why your promo video is not working?

  • RandyMinder

    Hi @ilovedogs74
    - you almost never want to make your course free (free coupons are a bit different). There are bots that roam the Udemy environment and snap up all free courses. These are not real students and will never actually engage in your course. Also, many instructors would tell you that many students who do engage in a free course (free coupon or free course) will, more often than not, leave poor reviews. It's just not worth it.

  • ilovedogs74

    Yes, perhaps good to hear your perspective.

  • ilovedogs74

    Hi RandyMinder,

    Thanks for sharing, it does makes a lot of sense on the bots.