I Published My First Course Online - But I Don't Know how to reach Students

I am happy because I Created my course "Best Selling Course Niche Blueprint" as the title for online course creators to choose the Niche to create a course. It is a very great experience to share my knowledge to the world.

I am struggling to get the FIRST student to enroll in my course. Please help me in this regard to explore my course to the potential students


  • Compartilhe o link nas redes sociais, faça lives, envie em seus grupos do WhatsApp. Sucesso!

  • Mjrahman
    Mjrahman Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Create an introduction video in YouTube and do a online campaign also

  • Thank you very much for giving your valuable suggestions

  • Thank you for your valuable suggestions. You said to post the introduction video about the course on YouTube but it works we have more followers. To run a campaign on social media also we need money. I will try to start a campaign on social media with minimum budget.