I launched my first course!


Hi everyone! My colleague and I launched our first course on the functionalities of Notion! Excited to be part of the bigger Udemy community and to learn from everyone!


  • Omar_Aljandali

    Welcome to the community! I heard Notion is a great tool for architects, best of luck.

  • Mafer R
    Mafer R Posts: 560

    Hi @dishan98
    congratulations to you and your colleague. We are happy to have you here. Our community is a space for instructors to help other instructors, so feel free to jump right in and start asking questions or reading discussions. Feel free to use the search bar option to find a discussion on any topic of your interest.

    Best wishes!

    Fernanda Rivera

    Community Moderator

  • dishan98

    I personally feel it is a great tool for any use case, be it startups, architects, students, teachers, or even families. I have several workspaces set up, one for my own use, one for my family, and one for a side project I am working on! Do you use it?

  • dishan98

    Hi Fernanda,

    Thank you for such a warm welcome. I have been reading discussions and its helped answer some of my questions haha! See you around

  • Rahul Iyer

    Congratulations @dishan98
    Well done!

  • dishan98

    Thanks Rahul!