Made my course available for free for 5 days



Dear friends. I just created coupe s and I have made my course available for free for 5 days.

Being new here, please let me know, is it a marketing tool. If so how good is it.

What dies 100 redemption mean.

Please guide how I can do good.



  • MorganColle609

    Hi @Prof.Dr.Sha550

    Udemy free coupons are a marketing tool, and the main way they are useful is for building up your audience. Students are more likely to enroll in your course when it is offered for free, and some may leave good ratings, making others more likely to buy your course.

    I believe the 5 day free coupon is limited to 1000 redemptions, which means once 1000 people have enrolled using the coupon code, or 5 days have passed (whichever one happens first) the coupon will no longer be valid. A good way to use the coupon is to post the coupon link on social media or YouTube or wherever else you have a following.

  • Prof.Dr.Sha550

    Thanks. I 1 hour 10 students and enrolled. If 1000 students are enrolled free, will it be good?

  • MorganColle609

    Yes, it will be good if you can get up to 1000 students to enroll free, because when people visit your course landing page and they see you already have 1000+ students, they will be more likely to purchase your course because popular courses are usually good courses.

  • Prof.Dr.Sha550


    I have almost 1000 students enrolled with my free promo coupen. Please guide further, cnan and should I send them a message. And if it's pibbile to send to all as 1000 are quite a much.

    Besides, except, a couple of students most students profess is 0 %. Does it mean they are not interested.

    And what will happen after the free period be over. Will these students be able to message me.

    And please tell sone more valuable ideas.


    Dr. Shahzad Waseem


  • MorganColle609

    You can use the Course Messages section on the management page for your course to send a welcome message to all new students who enroll in your course, and then they can message you back. To message all existing students you can also create Announcements on the instructor dashboard, which will send an email to all your students, although announcements must follow Udemy's rules found here.

    It is normal that a lot of free students will have completed 0%, but some of them will probably return and complete more later. And yes they will be able to message you.

    Hope this helps.

  • Prof.Dr.Sha550

    Thanks Morgan,

    Please guide me further, to reach the announcement or message to all the almost 1000 free students to engage them.

    I can see and message to individual student. But to to all, it near to impossible.

    Please guide further.

    Thanks for your detailed answer.


  • MorganColle609

    To send a message to all students, you can use an Announcement. Click on the Announcements Tab on the instructor dashboard, then click Compose. If you want to encourage students to complete more of the course, you should use an Educational Announcement. You can then enter your content and it will be emailed to all students, if all the checkboxes are checked, as in the screenshot below.

    Screen Shot 2023-10-13 at 08.21.40.png

  • MorganColle609

    Just wondering, where did you share the coupon link to get 1000 students enrolled for free? Because I've never had close to 1000 enroll from a free coupon.

  • Prof.Dr.Sha550

    Dear Morgan,

    Thanks for step by step help . I share it mainly on fb and whatsapp . Bring an eye specialist , i have many students . so i was expecting that my medical students will join. But to my surprise, almost all the students are unknown to me . Mostly from countries other than pakitan. I wish we could have a Skype call .

    Please guide me what should i expect now .i have sent the rnsils to all the 999 students .


  • Prof.Dr.Sha550

    So the coupen us expired. 1000 students are enrolled fortunately . Sent an announcemt message to all .The course us back on its original price . No response from any student. What should i expect and do now . Should I wait , may be for a few days ?


    Dr.Shahzad Waseem

  • MorganColle609

    Yes, you should probably wait for a few days. It took me a few days to get ratings after enrolling free students.

  • Prof.Dr.Sha550

    please share the link again from where i can send announcement messages to all students


    Dr.shagzad Waseem

  • Prof.Dr.Sha550

    Thanks i can send emails to all . Please tell besides emails, can i send messages too to all students .If students have to contact me, they will have to buy, I don't know how many would buy from 1000students .
