No other text or course names will be accepted

My course is related to photography; the pictures required for the course content are magazine covers.
Does a picture like a magazine cover comply with the regulations for putting it on the course?

I encountered this problem but don't know which part of my course had the problem. Please explain it again, thank you.

I got the suggestion, but don't know which part of my course had the problem :

No other text or course names will be accepted

"Use of text
Textual information such as the name of the course is not permitted within the course image. Only limited exceptions are allowed, such as logos. Logos should not overlay the photo or make the layout muddy.


  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 830 Udemy rank

    Hi @ElsaJao1122
    Happy Sunday!

    To help you better with your inquiry, please contact our Trust & Safety team at

    They’ll provide you with the information.

    Best regards,