Reviews for my course shown depending on cookies and which webbrowser used...?

Hi all,

I have noticed that student reviews shown on udemy for my course that I released last week, are not always shown. It seems to be dependent on which browser I am using or which person is looking. My brother, who lives in Belgium, can see certain reviews which I cannot.

Can someone try to explain this to me? I would think that all reviews should be possible to see for everyone, independent on country, webbrowser, cookies etc... Am I wrong or am I overlooking something?

I am asking this question because it creates confusion for me. Someone posted a review on my course 5-6 days ago and I cannot see it yet. He can see it though in Google Chrome, but not on Microsoft Edge. Strange.

Lots of thanks in advance for an explanation.

Best regards,



  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hey @HansPlcGuy
    , this is certainly odd. Please reach out to and send as much evidence as you can. The team is best equipped to look into this for you.