Tips needed for first time course publisher!


I'll be publishing my first course in a few days. Yay!

For those who have already published courses: what do you wish you'd known before you clicked the publish button on your first course?




  • Ibrahim & Co

    I spent some time doing research. From what I've seen a big issue is having high expectations straight away, unless you're already established.

    Try focus on the teaching and enjoy the process. Let the money be secondary.

  • KristinMorrison

    Thanks! I am very established with a large following of coaching clients and readers.

    Given that, what would you suggest?



  • Ibrahim & Co

    Guess if you're established you're on the right track. I regret not building my base before launching, but I my intentions was to get feedback and build momentum.

    I'm working on all the promotions at the moment.