Udemy Business Plan


I am new instructor here on Udemy and got my first course published already.

However, I want to ask of what advantage is Udemy Business plan to instructors, where students can subscribe to pay for team to learn?

I would like to know if the payment is Also coming to instructor of the particular course purchased.

Thank you


  • Dear Matthew,

    According to https://business-support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/articles/4424948463895-Udemy-Business-Content-Quality- , the minimum requirements for UB is as follows:

    • Our minimum rating and number of reviews vary by language. For English, we require a 4.4+ rating and 25+ learner reviews for inclusion (the more, the better, because it means the rating is more stable and accurate). We adapt these criteria for international collections based on user behavior data.


  • Thanks for your response,

    However, I also asked, of what advantage is Udemy Business plan to instructors, where students can subscribe to pay for team to learn?

    I would like to know if the payment is Also coming to instructor of the particular course purchased.

    Thank you