
Everyone in my house is asleep - so I better not record a vid right now - maybe tmw AM.

Here's late night photo to say 'G'day'


But hey, just thought I'd say this is a kool idea to keep it all in-house as I tend to avoid Facebook 'cause it distracts me.

My niche is helping speakers to earn extra income by featuring their awesome presentation skills as professional wedding MCs. I reckon its one of the best jobs in the world; and Im doing my very best to educate the public what a big advanatage it is to use a super smooth, elegant Event Host MC (aka Master of Ceremonies) to be entertaining and organised on the big day.

A strange fact about myself is that I am an Aussie that lives in Asia because I love to travel - and Australia is waaaaay too far away from everywhere. (You can fly for 5 hours and you are still in the land down under). I prefer to spend my time on the ground rather than in the air.


  • The time when everyone is asleep is totally my most productive time for editing or course creation.

  • PeteMiller
    PeteMiller Posts: 8 researcher rank

    yes, Greg I too get into the productive zone late at night; but recording is a no-no - whispering into the camera is not a good look (or should that be 'not a good sound'?)

    * Thanks for the reply. I'm saving up for my first drone & will give your courses a look when I buy it as I understand there is a lot to learn and mistakes can be expensive!