Hello from Austin!

Hi ya'll!

I'm super stoked to start making my own course! I worked on my intro video today and I think it's looking pretty good!

I make videos a lot, so I'm mainly worried about making the full experience as a course. I create Youtube videos as part of my job of being a content creator for a cool little company called Makey Makey!


  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Welcome @ColleenGraves
    ! What are you creating your course on?

  • I'm working on a course for maker educators to teach them about the maker mindset!

  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Cool! What's the maker mindest? I'm not sure I've heard that before.

  • Basically a different way of thinking about teaching. Makerspaces are being implemented in schools, but people think they can just put a 3d printer in the library and *boom* they have a makerspace. But actually, it's more about teaching children to explore and play to learn! It's about learning by making and creating things with your hands! (Or with code, 3 d modeling software, etc.) A makerspace is part of the STEM movement in schools. The maker mindset is the culture needed to sustain this type of learning.