

I hope all are doing good. This is my first initiative to become an online tutor. I'm passionate about leading a healthy life and help others to achieve it. As Buddha says, "Every human being is the author of his own health or disease" I feel we need to focus on bringing changes to our modern lifestye and my courses here will also be based on it. I hope you'll benefit from this.



  • Karansetia
    Karansetia Posts: 205 specialist rank

    Hi @prema_c
    I think what you are bringing to this marketplace with your thinking is something great i really appreciate your thinking may god bless you with a record breaking success

    All the best !☺️

  • prema_c
    prema_c Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Thanks! :smileyvery-happy: @Karansetia

  • Iam hundred% agree with your comments @prema_c
    yes its truth ,

    And life is just a movie or a drama that we act and the world see how he acts ..

    Everything was predict we are what doing thats not matter because our life is all written our future everything ,

    What we do today or tommorrow or what was we play yesterday .

    Everything was a planing...

    So live today what are you doing its also called the shit predict..