Let's celebrate positivity!

“I hope that through my courses my students can find the motivation to improve themselves and to realize those dreams that they have always had but have never been able to achieve.

Even if I can only do it with one person, all my work will have made sense!” - Massimiliano (Italy)

Tag an instructor who you think truly embodies "be positive" and tell us why. We can't wait to read all about your positivity!


  • I'm gonna tag @Thor
    because he is always helpful on this page and does it in a positive matter.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,319 rolemodel rank

    I am learning a ton from @JasonDion
    (and obviously the brains behind him).

    I really like how he is willing to share freely of his knowledge.

  • Hypnodan
    Hypnodan Posts: 157 mentor rank

    I know it will probably be the same names others have said and will say, but for me here in this group and on the previous Facebook groups it is @Thor
    , @JasonDion
    , @SharonRamel
    and @ScottDuffy
    . I couldn't decide between them, but I have always found the way they interact with new instructors, both those who are thinking of, or are in the process of creating courses here on Udemy and those who have created a course, pressed, publish and then see nothing happening or been disheartened about the results, has been incredibly supportive and motivational and sharing of knowledge and time to help them to have some idea of expectations, while keeping motivated and having hope, and ideas of what can be done to kick-start sales and keep sales going as well as helping when people ask questions like 'should I create this type of course, there is nothing like it on Udemy?' or 'should I create long courses or shorter courses?' or 'should I create this course as there are already lots of courses on this topic?' All questions where it is easy to get disheartened if you are starting out, thinking maybe all the work will be for nothing if the reason for no courses is because no-one is interested in that topic on Udemy, or it has taken months and you have barely made a quarter of your course and you wonder whether it is worthwhile continuing to put in the effort, or you start creating a course, find there is lots of competition and think is it worth continuing to put in the time and create the course when it may not show up.

    They always answer with helpful ideas and advice as well as being motivational and sharing their experiences. Betwen them I bet they have led to dozens of instructors now making a living on Udemy, who otherwise would have given up and either never completed their first course, or created a course, concluded it was a failure and never do what they needed to do to kick-start sales and start fulfilling what for many of us is our main goal, to teach others what we know.

    They also are very encouraging when people share those early milestones, like getting that first student, reaching $100 or $1000.

    All the best


  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    thank you @Hypnodan
    - I simply love helping people

  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    really helped give some spring to our new community and is always so so patient and @LawrenceMMiller
    for his amazing insights and gifts to laying it out in a succinct gentle but persuasive manner.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,319 rolemodel rank

    Woot for hypeman @GregReverdiau
    for his amazing cat herding and forum engagement!

  • JasonDion
    JasonDion Posts: 260 visionary rank

    For me, the most helpful/positive instructor has been @MarkLassoff
    . Now, many of you may think this is a weird choice based on his posts, but let me explain my logic here...

    Mark is a no-nonsense kind of guy. He will positively tell you the truth about your course and what he thinks about it. He won’t sugar coat it, but I think that is what makes a large positive difference in my course creation.

    I’ve been lucky enough to call Mark a friend for the last year. During that time, his brutal honesty has helped us raise the bar in our courses. We’ve moved from webcams and tiny microphones to a full dedicated studio with tons of great equipment. Our courses are on par with the professionals now, thanks to Mark’s guidance and suggestions, and his telling me time and time again, “You are better than that. Try again!”

    many may feel he is too harsh or negative, but to me finding someone with over a decade of experience in eLearning who will tell you when you aren’t meeting the desired level is a truly positive experience.

    I know sometimes it can be hard to hear your baby (your course) is ugly, but that downright positive truth and honesty is important to hear.

    Behind those harsh words, though, he always tells me why we should be making better courses...because he’s positive we can!

    jason Dion

    Dion Training Solutions

  • MarkLassoff
    MarkLassoff Posts: 320 visionary rank

    Thanks @JasonDion
    . I’d never expect to appear in a post about positivity. Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad you “get it.”

  • I second that. I like Mark's "straight to the point" attitude. You may not like it but I'd rather hear that and improve rather than be told my course is great when it's not... I've bought some of Mark's courses (amongst other instructors) to get ideas on how to improve my own.

  • Is there a cat herding badge yet?? Thanks Thor!

  • MarkLassoff
    MarkLassoff Posts: 320 visionary rank

    Thanks, @GregReverdiau
    . Us pilots always find each other.