Want an Opinion on Your Upcoming/New Course From a Top Seller?

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Want an Opinion on Your Upcoming/New Course From a Top Seller?

Update 02/21: I continue to provide feedback to people leaving comments on this post. I will be traveling for the next week and won't be able to do much in that time. But please be patient, and I will return to this thread when I return.


Hi there, my name is Scott, and I've been on Udemy for nine years — 1.1 million paying students as of now.


If you have a new course (or one that just went live) and want some honest, constructive feedback to make it better, I'll spend 10 minutes looking at your landing page, promo videos, and anything else I can see and give you some solid ideas of things that you can improve. I promise I won't be too harsh but I'll be honest.


Post in the comments, and I'll go to your profile page and find your latest course. Or post a YouTube link to one of the videos if the course is not live yet. 


Any of the other community champions can jump on and give feedback to any of the instructors looking for feedback.

103 Replies
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

HI Sayyed,


The promo video is OK. I like that there is a lot of "demos" of the tool right in the promo video. You also talk about what the course covers and that's clear. If someone is looking for a course on PowerBI desktop, the promo video tells them what the course contains. 

I like the course landing page. Good use of bolding, paragraphs, lists to make it clear what you want to say.


Course contains an ebook and assignments. I think you did a pretty good job presenting this course for sale in the marketplace.


Sorry, there's nothing that I can recommend to improve.


Sorry ! Sorry for encouraging me ! 😊
Love your feedback Scott but I will keep improving !
Thanks for your time buddy !

Hi, @ScottDuffy ! Thank you for offering your help with the courses review!

It is really a BIG, NOBLE GESTURE!


I have pubished my FIRST ever course on Udemy at the end of this February.

The course is titled "Unleash Your Inner Leader" or how to become the Leader people are hungry to follow! 


I was happy to see my first sale happening on my birthday! That was a nice birthday gift from the Universe! :).


I surely want to boost my sales....! 🙂 Feeling a bit anxious, if to be completely frank... 


I would appreciate your expert advice and will be looking forward to receiving it. 


Kind regards,

Dillyara D.  

Hi Scott,


My course went live today!!!  I just happened to click this link and found this instructor community and your generous post.  I would love your feedback, if you are still offering it.  Here is a link to my course.   FYI, my course is listed under Life Progression Project, however, this is my first course.  Any feedback would be welcomed.



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