Let's celebrate open-mindedness!

“I teach courses geared towards non-native English learners such as courses on English communication and tips on how to work overseas since that is what I love to do. There are endless opportunities available overseas and the key to being able to achieve that may simply be knowing how to communicate in English and how to ace the interview. We are all social beings and I believe that life is too short to enjoy life within your comfort zone. For those who are always seeking to enhance their skills and careers, I think there are so [many] opportunities with advancement in technology in our modern world and I would like to be part of these people's lives in some way.” - Yuko (USA)

Tag an instructor who you think is very open-minded and tell us why.


  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    Teaching to a global community kind of forces you to become open-minded; you encounter students from all sorts of different cultures, backgrounds, and lifestyles.

    I'll tag @StephaneMaarek
    for this, though. I've been working with him as a co-instructor for an upcoming course. He's from France and traveled the world, while I'm a somewhat typical American who hasn't traveled abroad very much. He's given me some valuable insights into why some students behave the way they do. For example, in the US it's generally considered rude to expect someone to do something for you for free. Time is money here, and if you don't make money, our system is perfectly happy to let you starve on the street. We have an "everyone for themselves" attitude because of that. But other cultures don't work that way - they depend on each other to help each other out, and give their time freely. When they ask you to "guide them" on some project outside of your course or to mentor them, it's a compliment. He's seen this first hand, and it's opened my eyes.

  • Thanks @FrankKane
    I'm blessed and super honoured to work on a course with you :)

    Can't wait for the release!

  • I do appreciate your thoughts and your open mindedness in sharing your perspectives of teaching. Teaching what ever aspect it may be, but the noblest profession of all