First ever course on any online platform


I joined udemy in 2020, but it wasn’t until recently that I decided to take up on the challenge of creating my first course on udemy. I did a lot of research on how to nail it. Put in a lot of effort and time and now when its published (yay! ), I am hearing crickets. A lot of people enrolled due to the free coupon, but I got no reviews. The anxiety is kicking in badly now. It’s been two days, but I am panicking. How long does it take for the first legit customer?

My market category is niche but according to market insights, I have a pretty good chance here since the competition is less and number of courses are low with average demand. Share your experiences. I would love to get some support.


  • SAPBuddy
    SAPBuddy Posts: 209 specialist rank

    Congratulations to your first course welcome to our instructors community. I seen your course already got some positive review. It’s good start. My view a note, free coupon and free courses rarely gets reviews. We may get bad reviews also. We should not count on them.