The date as published my first course appears as the day opened the account

Just discovered that the date as published for my first course appears as the day I opened the account.
I did not even start this course back then. I published it only a week ago. It's November 2021 vs July 2022. It's a huge difference.
It reads published November 2022. I find it misleading.
Is there a way to change that? should I delete this course and start over or it would do the same thing because it is still the first course?
Thank you,
Hi @CarolConstant, thank you for asking about this!
The date that appears on your course landing page should indeed be the correct date on which you published or last updated the course, so from what you're describing, there seems to be a bug in the display of this information. I highly recommend contacting our support team with a screenshot of what you're referring to so they can take a closer look - they'll be more than happy to assist!
Bella Almeida
Udemy Community
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Hello Bella,
Thank you for your response. I posted here only after contacting Udemy instructor support and being told that this is their standard procedure and nothing could be done.
Since it is so bizarre because students would think that the course was published 9 months ago and had no students until last week, I posted the question here.
I clearly don't see any logic to it, and this is why I posted here to see if this is the case for everyone else.
Thanks again,
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Hello Bella,
I asked in a forum for Udemy instructors and was told that it is definitely wrong. I was told I should reach out to the product team.
My course appears as if 9 months published when it is only 9 days. This is a great disadvantage.
Can you refer me to someone who can help me change it?
Thank you very much again,
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I also recently encountered this problem. I just launched a course, but the Published Date is 12/1970 . Why is this?
how do you fix Please tell me.
I have contacted support. but has not been fixed yetThank you,
Rungarun k.
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I have the same issue. Mine says 01/1970.
Can someone please help?
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Unfortunately it is not fixed and never will.
Udemy tells me that it is their policy.
For everyone the date of the first course appears as published NOT when it was published but on the date when the instructor first opened their Udemy account.
In my case over 6 months earlier the year prior.
it is a huge disadvantage.
Very disappointing.0 -
Unfortunately it is not fixed and never will.
Udemy tells me that it is their policy.
For everyone the date of the first course appears as published NOT when it was published but on the date when the instructor first opened their Udemy account.
In my case over 6 months earlier the year prior.
it is a huge disadvantage.
Very disappointing.0 -
Mine is fixed as soon as my course went up live. is your's sorted?