What type of recording software and presenting software to be used

Hi I am creating course. I need help to choose which presentation and recording tools to be used.

Presenter speaking should be visible along with the screen for better engaging the students.

Any suggestions welcome


  • AnupShukla
    AnupShukla Posts: 465 mentor rank

    Hey @999

    Open source tool: OBS Studio

    Premium tools:

    1. screencast-o-matic

    2. Camtasia

    3. Adobe premier pro

    You can record your laptop/desktop screen with the above tools. You can also integrate your talking-head video while recording. Hope this helps!

  • 999
    999 Posts: 2 researcher rank


  • I use Adobe Premiere Elements. Premiere Pro is overkill for the editing that most instructors need to do. Elements is relatively inexpensive and easy to learn.