Community FAQ - Beginners

Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

Community FAQ.png

Here you will find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions in the Instructor Community.

If you don’t see your question answered here, please visit our Help Center or start a new discussion in the community. This is a work in progress, so we'll continue adding more answers as we go!

How can I get started on Udemy?

Review frequently asked questions and answers on how to become a Udemy instructor.

Learn how to set up your instructor account and start creating your course.

Where can I find resources to help me create my first course?

Read our course creation guide and check out our compilation of the best posts in the community about course creation. In addition, our free, How to Create an Online Course: The Official Udemy Course outlines best practices to plan, produce, and publish a well-designed, high-quality course.

How can I know if my topic is in demand on the platform?

Research course topics using the Marketplace Insights tool to help you understand their demand and competition. This is a great way to help validate or refine the topic you’re interested in teaching and get insight into what learners are searching for in the marketplace.

Can my course have more than one instructor?

Yes. Please review Co-Instructor Relationships: Guidelines to learn more.

Where can I get feedback on the quality of my course?

Feel free to post your preview video in the community to get feedback from your fellow instructors or submit a Test Video directly to Udemy and it will be reviewed by an expert on our team (yes, a real person!).

When will I receive a response about my test video?

This process usually takes 48h. Please allow some time for our team to review your sample and provide you with personalized feedback on the quality of your audio, video, and delivery.

Should my course be free or paid? What should the price be?

We recommend reading this article to see all the different pricing options that Udemy offers to determine what is the best for you. Instructors have shared different perspectives about this topic that you can view in this thread.

How does instructor payment work?

This article outlines Udemy’s revenue sharing plan for instructors you can learn more about the payment methods here. Additionally, here is an overview of the payment schedule once your course is published on Udemy and receive paid enrollments.

Taxes: What do Instructors Need to Submit to Udemy?

Information regarding how Udemy handles taxes is available on this page.

How can I publish my course?

Before publishing your course, you need to submit your course for review by clicking “Submit for Review” at the bottom of the course page. Learn more about submitting your course for review.

How long does it take for my course to get approved on the platform?

The Quality Review Process takes 2 business days. This can take longer during times of high volume, feel free to contact Instructor Support if you require further assistance.

Can I create multiple instructor accounts to publish courses on different topics?

Yes, this is possible. If you're unsure whether this is a good idea for you, check out this post where we answered this question.

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  • Hi Bella @Bella

    Your above listed post is comprehensive, as always, you are so meticulous.
    Thank you!

    Best regards,

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @Ahmed_Jendoubi, thank you so much for your kind words! If you have any questions or suggestions for our FAQ, please don't hesitate to let us know! We're always here to help and support our community members in any way that we can.

    Thanks again for your feedback, and have a great day!

  • Hi Bella @Bella
    and thank you for being always so kind.
    Definitely, anytime I would have suggestions, feedback or questions, I will reach out and ask.

    Best regards,

  • This is so cool thanks for sharing such kind of an information with us. MyAARPMedicare

    Thanks and regards

    William Smith

  • SSAA
    SSAA Posts: 208 specialist rank

    Thanks Bella. It's a great summary.


  • Thank you