Bulk Upload for Test Course based on Word File Format

Dear all

I am currently trying to create the course for Test course.

I made a course based on word file that contains problems and multiple choice.

The total number of questions are more than 300 and I need to manually insert the problems and multiple choice one by one and I find it very tiring.

I found that there is a CSV format for bulk uploading.


Is there any good way to convert my word file to CSV format from Udemy?

or should I manually input the data in CSV file?

I am looking forward to hearing from anybody soon!


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,635 Udemy rank

    Hi @金子圭太494
    You can add up to 2 practice test per course; however each practice test can include up to 250 questions si you might need to break up your practice test. You can use the bulk uploader to do this process, instructors on how to do so are here

    1. There is no way to convert the file to CSV from Udemy. You need to do it on your end. I found an article than can guide you on how to convert from Word to CSV here.

    2. If you get a trouble in the middle of this process, you can send an email to instructorsupport@udemy.com.

    I hope this helps.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Moderator