Upload Power Point

Hello, All
My name is Noleen.
My course is in Power Point form. I have each lesson as a separate presentation but now realise I should not have done this. My question: is it best to upload one file with all the sections or will it be OK to upload the various sections as separate files.
I'm a complete newbie and am even just learning Power Point so please reply to and pretend I'm stupid. I will not be offended
I am also completely new to online teaching and this platform. I was thinking of using Power Point - why did you come to the conclusion this was a mistake?
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Sorry, Selena. I didn't make myself clear. I don't think doing the Power Point is a mistake, but rather the fact that I did each section of my course as separate PPT presentations and now I don't know how to combine them to make one big presentation. I don't even know whether this is what I should do, or whether it's OK to keep then all separate. I'm still trying to navigate my way around the uploading of my course. I'm finding it a bit daunting but I'll get there I guess.
Haven't received a reply to my question yet but I think I'll just upload the separate files and see what the Udemy quality team says when they review my uploads.
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I'm not entirely sure what it is you're trying to accomplish.
You can't simply just upload PowerPoint files, Udemy need you to have videos (I believe they have some kind of PowerPoint and video feature but it's not something I've personally used.) PowerPoint in and of itself is just a slides program, it doesn't generate video.
Why would you try to combine all your PPTs into one big presentation?
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Thanks for your reply.
I've learnt now how to convert ppt into video. I'm a newbie and was unaware that I needed to convert to video.
Re your last question...it was out of ignorance that I asked because I didn't understand the ppt>video.
Anyway, all is well now.
Rgds, Noleen