Get ready for Q4 & Black Friday with our next Virtual Coffee Chat on Oct. 7


Hey there Instructors!

It’s time to get to know your fellow instructors! We’ll be hosting a virtual coffee chat on Friday, October 7th at 1:00pm PT*, and you are invited!

What is a virtual coffee chat?

The community virtual coffee chats are hour-long informal networking sessions held via Zoom. During these sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to network with and get to know other Udemy instructors worldwide.

How does it work?

October’s theme is Q4 and Black Friday preparation, so we will spend the first 30 minutes sharing best practices on what success for Black Friday looks like as an instructor. Then we will begin asking the group questions about anything related to Black Friday and succeeding in Q4!

How do I sign up?

Glad you asked! You can sign up right here.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday, October 7th at 1:00pm PT / 4:00pm ET!

*We understand that this time may not be ideal for all time zones, however, we will change the times of the coffee chat each month to accommodate different locations.
