Webinar Replay - Data & Analytics with Larry Miller

Chrystie Posts: 536 traveler rank
edited July 2024 in Community News

Hello Instructor Community!

We are thrilled to bring you a replay of the webinar held earlier this week, "Data & Analytics with Larry Miller". We were fortunate enough to listen in as Community Champion Larry Miller, shared his process for organizing and analyzing his Udemy data.

Due to popular demand, he was even so kind as to share a template of the spreadsheet shown in the webinar! All you have to do is make a copy of the spreadsheet (File-> Make a Copy) and input your data to get started!


Leave your comments & questions below!


  • I had missed it. Thank you for the recording!

    Edit: Just watched the seminar! Wow! A big thank you to Larry for sharing his data and his thoughts! A wonderful seminar!

    A Big Thank you to @LawrenceMMiller
    , @ChrystieV
    , and everyone on the Udemy Team who made it happen!

  • Thanks Bella! I can watch what I missed and come up with questions.


    Nina Nwaobilo

  • Thank you, @Bella
    & @LawrenceMMiller
    , much appreciated.

  • The seminar was great and very informative, thank you very much to all of you.
    If you don't mind, I have two questions for you, Mr, Larry.
    1. What is your strategy in terms of course pricing, and to what extent does the price tier affect the success of the course?
    2. To what extent might making the course free for some time affect its success? and what is the optimal time to make it free?


  • I got up at 4.30am for this and wasn't disappointed.

    This was an amazing webinar. So much shared so generously. One of my big takeaways was an insight into how the marketplace is flattening out lately after seeing that big Covid spike in your graph Lawrence. It's the market equalizing itself after unnatural growth.

    If you've ever complained about fluctuating sales and income spikes and you're not willing to watch this webinar then you frankly aren't committed enough to do the work.

    Thank you Lawrence - a gift gratefully received.

  • Well, I have finally watched the whole video to catch up with what I missed when I was cut off. The Presentation reminds me of my undergraduate courses in Statistics, Macroeconomics, and International Finance, and Microsoft Excel. Well done and excellent presentation Mr. Miller!

    You are absolutely right about "being up to our game with lecture video" and to "stick to your knitting". Oh, Udemy Staff watch our video? Noted! I have heard a similar statement earlier this year from attending a summit for EFL/ESL Instructors "find your niche and stick to it." I am also aware of the competition that's out there with other competitors such as Linkedin, Coursera, Alison Courses, Udacity, and even Xfinity has a TV channel that has courses that was created during the pandemic for people to watch to update their skills in Management, Computers, and so forth. I have gone to the Coursera website because they put an ad on my Linkedin Account. I looked through their website to discover that the courses they have on their website, are owned by big Universities such as University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University, Harvard just to name a few and Universities in China, Singapore, Japan and so forth.

    The challenge that I have is in Marketing which is not my area of expertise. I have also noticed the Udemy seems to be marketing some courses more than others. I am not sure whether my course was ever marketed before I added my second course. I just managed to have one student last month because I sent a YouTube link of one of lecture to her on Linkedin. Right now, Linkedin is so busy looking at Business Ads from Big companies that draws more attention and individuals don't really get a chance to be seen. Since I am a member of a Professional Association. I also have the members of the since Professional Association in my Network. So, advertising my Lecture videos will not be a great idea because unless it is something that has already been presented at a conference. Putting a new video on Linkedin is an opportunity for them to steal ideas and use them to create their own lesson plans and blocking the opportunity for Professionals from other countries who really need to see the Videos or Ads and register to take English for Specific Purposes and/or Business English. On Facebook, I have had share with Scammers stealing data, friends, and church members who see the Course ad and think "Oh, so you are with that company!" and then start sending messages, asking for money because they think the person is making money. Some who rather have you give to them for free than pay for it. I am trying to get some recognition and earn income here. These Church members, friends, and fellow tutors are not trying to promote my ad. Rather what they are doing is hurt the business. They don't believe me when I say I haven't earned anything yet. But they expect me to patronize them.

    So, my question is how I can promote my courses to draw students from different parts of the world who really need to take my courses for academic purposes to brush up their Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing skills improve their Test scores in order to be accepted into a Training School to obtain a Certificate, University to get a degree, get a required score in order to be accepted for a Job position, and as a requirement for work?

    Secondly, what is Udemy doing to promote courses for EFL/ESL Instructors within the United States and other countries?

    Thirdly, what I do to blot out those who are reading the Course ad or watching the Video with the intend to steal ideas and not helping to promote the course on social media and within Udemy?

    Thank you,

    Nina Nwaobilo

  • @Samuel-OD

    1. What is your strategy in terms of course pricing, and to what extent does the price tier affect the success of the course?

    I don't have a strategy in terms of course pricing. I set a higher price for longer courses and a lower price for shorter courses. If you look at my courses you can see the prices I set. Udemy re-sets your prices based on what their data says is the optimum price for maximum sales. This is true for both the regular price and for the sales prices. I honestly don't worry about it at all.

    2. To what extent might making the course free for some time affect its success? and what is the optimal time to make it free?

    I don't know because I don't do that. I understand why a new instructor without a mailing list or other marketing channels may do this, but I don't.

  • @NinaNwaobil293

    1. As to your question about how you can market your course, I suggest you go to this link and you will find a number of good posts and discussions on this topic. It would take too long to repeat them here. https://community.udemy.com/t5/Marketing/Best-Instructor-Posts-of-All-Time-Marketing/m-p/31077.

    2, I don't know know the answer to your second question.

    3. Forget it. If people are watching your course to steal idea that is a complement. My bookshelf is filled with a hundred books I bought so I could "borrow" ideas and incorporate them into my own work. That is how intellectual progress occurs.

  • Thank you for your reply! Mr. LawrenceMMiller

    You are greatly appreciated.

    And thank you again for sharing your very informative data with us.


  • Great guy!

  • Hi @ChrystieV
    , @Bella

    Thank you so much for everything; the webinar Data & Analytics with Lawrence Miller was amazing; thank you to Lawrence Miller for sharing something important with us.

  • @LawrenceMMiller
    your content is top notch. No wonder you have such results. I have one question so far: How do you get the data for repeat students? It seems to me that it would need to be manual? But getting to 60K repeat students, I am really curious about how you get that number...

    P.S. Extremely appreciate this presentation, your knowledge, and will to share your personal data.

  • Just looked at the replay. Many thanks Laurence. Very insightful and interesting presentation. Real world analytics and food for thought!

  • I really loved the way @LawrenceMMiller
    approached long-term tracking and custom reporting of his courses. I've also found Udemies reports a bit to basic but never taught about making my own

    So I took some time this weekend and created a Google sheet reporting inspired by his reporting sheet.

    I've made a new one mostly to decouple the data and reporting sections.

    This makes it a bit faster to input data on a month-by-month basis and makes it easier to add new reports and modify existing ones if you so desire.

    Anyway, I hope you find it helpful, and feel free to reach out in case something is confusing so I can help you out!

    ps.: Imputing the initial data might take a while and there is no way of getting Students, Minutes taught, and Total Visitors for more than a year back (at least that I don't know how). You can however get a number of reviews per month by exporting your reviews from Udemy and counting them (or doing a pivot table ).

    If you are interested just copy this Google Sheet and you're good to go: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iQeckMJSc-k3yUIaBWZHG2YyMh37aOagWFLfdgMGMPE/copy?usp=sharing

    And big thanks again to LawrenceMMiller for a great talk and insights!

  • @SoyMarketer
    "I have one question so far: How do you get the data for repeat students? "

    1. Go to your Performance page. Click on "students". That gives you the total number of unique students who have enrolled in your courses.

    2. Then go to "Overview" tab and that gives you the total number of enrollments, which will be higher than the number of unique students. Subtract.

    Got it?

  • Kris
    Kris Posts: 19 trailblazer rank

    Hi Lawrence,

    Thanks so much for putting together this webinar.

    I appreciated the time you took to help us all with our analytics.


  • Thank you for sharing this knowledge, and God bless you more for the spreadsheet. May your days be long, sir. Thank you.