how can I share external links in bonus section?

I am almost at the final stage of my course creation and facing an issue.
In the bonus and free stuff section I want to offer my students to join my free facebook group.
When I pasted the link in my article content it gave a warning. Can you please suggest how and where can I share this link.
Also I have an option to download free graphics for my students. Can I share a webpage from where they can download the graphics?


  • Check out this page for more information on what is and is not allowed in the bonus section:

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,331 rolemodel rank

    TL;DR Yes.

    Anything relevant to the course you can put in the bonus lecture.

    A bonus lecture is the last lecture of the course, typically after the concluding lecture. You can use this space to market your other courses and products to students and to inform your students of additional material that you provide beyond the course. It is considered to be a marketing tool.

    Instructor – Detailed Guidelines

    • DO feel free to include coupon codes or links to other Udemy courses, external links to your website/blog, or other supplementary products (e.g., books) that will be relevant to students.
    • DON’T provide free previews of the bonus lecture.
    • DON’T refer to the bonus lecture when using any of our communication tools. It is considered to be a marketing tool and will be treated the same as coupon codes, promotional announcements, etc.

  • I am confused. You state we can put a coupon code into a bonus lecture and when I attempt to do it, it is removed. Has this policy changed.


  • Debra, do you still have an issue with this?
